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Electrostimulation Compex SP 8.0

Electrotherapy treatments are a classic of rehabilitation. It has been used for decades and is supported by many scientific studies. We did not negotiate with the “rehabilitation truth” but chose its modernised form. In order not to waste time on a clutter of cables, we decided to use portable Compex devices with stick-on wireless electrodes, equipped with a system of automatic optimisation of current intensity. Properly selected programme and accurate application of electrodes can be used in fresh muscle injuries for faster regeneration of damaged muscle fibres, or in acute pain conditions, e.g., in the lumbosacral region of the spine. It is also great after orthopaedic surgery as the “first training” of muscles, when we still cannot move the operated limb, but we want to stimulate the passive lymphatic system to work. It is the best form of preventing muscle atrophy or post-operative adhesions available on the market. What is more, Mirai Clinic, as the only partner of Compex in Poland, has the possibility to lend such equipment to patients or offer its purchase on favourable conditions.

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