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Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure. It involves making small skin incisions/access points, called arthroscopic portals. The number of portals depends on the type of damage and the methods of treatment. Through these portals, instruments are inserted into the joint, which are used to perform basic procedures such as removing inflamed synovial tissue, treating small cartilage damage, or complex reconstructive procedures. These procedures include stabilizing labral injuries, which is one method of stabilizing the shoulder joint, as well as extensive tendon reinsertion procedures, often supplemented with tenodesis or tenotomy of the long head of the biceps tendon. Another additional procedure performed during shoulder arthroscopy is bursoscopy, or endoscopy of the subacromial bursa, which allows for the treatment of subacromial pathologies such as removing calcifications, acromioplasty, or acromioclavicular joint plasticity.

The operation is performed in a semi-seated position, in the so-called beach-chair position with stabilization of the operated limb, placed on a special pneumatic traction device. General anesthesia is used for this procedure.

The duration of the operation depends on the type and quantity of damage requiring treatment. It can range from 60 to 200 minutes.

Some procedures performed during shoulder arthroscopy, depending on the technique chosen by the operator, may require additional surgical approaches, including arthrotomy – which is the opening of the joint in case the procedure cannot be performed solely arthroscopically.

Rehabilitation after shoulder arthroscopy
Postoperative management and rehabilitation after shoulder arthroscopy depend on the type of surgery performed. Basic procedures require temporary immobilization in a sling and the prompt initiation of rehabilitation within the limits tolerated by the patient.

Stabilization of the labrum usually requires immobilization in a sling or brace with limited range of motion rehabilitation determined by the surgeon.

Reconstruction of rotator cuff tendons may require the use of an abduction brace and a delay in starting rehabilitation for up to 6 weeks after the surgery.

In MIRAI, the shoulder area is covered by:
Bartosz Dominik – creating content for the website
Michał Drwięga


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